
My name is Giorgio Garasto and I'm 26.712732313 years old.

I put my hands on HTML for the first time when I was seven years old to help my father, and I've never stopped playing with it since then. The passion for web development influenced both my work and study choices and brought me to gain a scholarship from Google and Udacity that gave me the chance to obtain the Mobile Web Specialist certification.

At work, I gained a vast experience in front end development by means of libraries and frameworks such as React and Angular, as well as using native technologies, like Web Components and Service Workers. On the back end side, I mainly use Node.js and Go. Outside the working world, I like devoting myself to music. I love playing guitar and singing, but I do dabble also with piano and drums.

Right now, I'm working as a Frontend Engineer at Empatica, an MIT spin-off company based in Boston and Milan with more than 70 employees, whose goal is to design and develop AI systems to monitor human health through wearable sensors.

I also have a bunch of open source projects, which you can check out in the projects section.

My story

  • 1997

    • printf("hello, world\n");

      It was 23:20 when my first commit was pushed to the world repo, on the italy branch.

  • 2004

    • First steps

      My father asked me to help him with his work, and that's when I discovered HTML.

  • 2015

    • The first work experience ever…

      During the school summer break, I applied to be part of a group of students who had the chance to work for our province as handymen.

    • …and the first one in the IT world

      While working for the province of Pordenone, I also started an internship at a furniture shop called Milani6, where a schoolmate and I built a simple e-commerce in AngularJS 1 and PHP.

  • 2017

    • Working smartly

      Through Lionbridge, I applied to become a Google Ads Quality Evaluator. That job taught me what smart working is, thanks to being a remote work without a fixed schedule. It also taught me to think like end users and to understand their intent.

    • MVP in MVC

      During my first year at the ITS Kennedy Foundation, I did a two-month internship at Real Comm, where I built ASP.NET MVC web applications using C#.

    • Google Developer Scholarship

      Google partnered with Udacity to offer scholarships to selected students. After a few months of selection, I was chosen to be one of the 5,000 recipients out of the more than 200,000 candidates that applied.

  • 2018

    • MOLO17 // Internship…

      Another ITS Kennedy Foundation year, another internship! This time it was a three-month intership at MOLO17, where I was able to work with cutting edge technologies that I love.

    • …and first full-time contract

      At the end of the internship, I've been asked to work for MOLO17 after finishing my studies. I really liked the technologies we used and the development team, so I was happy to accept.

    • Mobile Web Specialist

      After completing the Google Developer Scholarship, I was finally ready to obtain the Google Mobile Web Specialist certification.

    • Facebook PyTorch Scholarship

      When I came to know of the Facebook PyTorch Scholarship challenge, I was incredibly excited thinking about the great products I could have built combining my web skills with machine learning. However, I only knew Python a little and I had no idea of how machine learning works at the time, so I had some difficulties following the course.

  • 2019

    • Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship

      I wasn't happy with how the Facebook PyTorch Scholarship went, so I wanted to give AI another chance. That's why—among the available tracks of the Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship—I chose the AI track. However, due to the huge amount of work I had at the time, I wasn't able to follow it properly, ending up with the same result as my first AI scholarship.

    • Intel® Edge AI Scholarship

      I thought the third time would be the good one, but apparently working with OpenVINO™ is not my thing. What I learned from these three AI scholarships is that I like what AIs do, but I don't really like building them. Better late than ever, right?

  • 2021

    • Decentralizing the web

      I've been interested in and have been experimenting with the Ethereum blockchain since 2017, so—during the new crypto boom—I finally decided to take the leap by taking the Udacity Blockchain Developer Nanodegree.

    • Starting a new adventure

      I've always been eager to help people. That's why—when I came to know of Empatica—applying was quite a natural choice.

    • Got my first car!

      With solar panels and a battery at home, buying a fully electric car seemed a beneficial choice both for the environment and for me. For this reason I bought a 2019 Nissan Leaf, possibly being one of the first people buying an e-car as their very first car—at least in Italy.

You seem very interested in my story.